Saturday 20 March 2010

why is happiness impotant?

Happiness is important because its one of our main emotions and without it we would always be said, depressed, or some other sad emotion. we could live without sad emotions because in a way there would never be any negative comments or anything. but we have to live with the negative emotions as well as the good emotions. Happiness will help the world and make it a better place by being nice to someone and not saying anything negative to them then they are happy and they will help to spread that happy feeling. you will also feel good about your self for doing that kind thing. not everone will have the heart do nice things like helping other people but to be honest i think they have been neglected and thats why. if you try and be nice to some one like that then that person might be really nice and feel more welcome and happy. there are lots of things you can do to spread happiness. Happiness isn't just an emotion it is a lot of things and if you look and try hard enough you will find it and make lots of friends on the way.

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